
Build vs. Buy: Should You Create Your SaaS Platform or Use a Boilerplate?

Compare building your SaaS platform from scratch with using a SaaS boilerplate like BuildMVP. Discover the pros and cons to find the best solution for your business.

Build vs. Buy: Should You Create Your SaaS Platform or Use a Boilerplate?

The question of whether to build your SaaS platform from scratch or buy a pre-built SaaS boilerplate is one that every SaaS founder and developer faces. Both paths have their merits, but the decision hinges on a variety of factors like cost, time, scalability, and technical requirements.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the build vs. buy debate for SaaS platforms, weighing the pros and cons of both approaches. We'll also explore how BuildMVP, a Next.js SaaS boilerplate, helps you accelerate development while maintaining flexibility.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clearer understanding of which path is best for your business and how to maximize efficiency when launching your SaaS MVP.

The Build Approach: Crafting Your SaaS Platform From Scratch

Building your SaaS platform from scratch means developing every single feature, line of code, and system architecture on your own. While this approach offers full control, it also comes with significant challenges.

Pros of Building Your SaaS From Scratch

  1. Complete Customization: When you build from scratch, you have total freedom to design and develop your SaaS product exactly how you envision it. Custom features, unique workflows, and specific business logic can be implemented to the letter.

  2. Scalability on Your Terms: You have the flexibility to architect your platform in a way that fits your business needs now and in the future. This level of scalability is harder to achieve with pre-built solutions.

  3. Ownership: Full control means complete ownership of your codebase, which is an important factor for some founders. This ownership extends to intellectual property, making it easier to sell or pivot your product.

  4. No Technical Debt: A common concern with using third-party libraries or boilerplates is that they come with pre-existing technical debt. Building from scratch means you avoid this risk by ensuring your codebase is clean from the start.

Cons of Building Your SaaS From Scratch

  1. Time-Consuming: Building a SaaS platform from scratch can take months or even years. The need to develop everything from user authentication to payment integration will slow down your time to market.

  2. Higher Costs: Custom development requires a significant investment, whether you are hiring developers or spending your own time coding. The costs can quickly spiral out of control, particularly if unexpected technical challenges arise.

  3. Maintenance and Updates: Once you build your platform, you are responsible for maintaining and updating the codebase. Security patches, performance optimizations, and bug fixes are all on your shoulders.

  4. Reinventing the Wheel: Many of the features you’ll need for a SaaS platform, such as authentication or subscription management, are widely used across the industry. By building from scratch, you risk wasting time on problems that have already been solved by others.

The Buy Approach: Leveraging SaaS Boilerplates Like BuildMVP

The alternative to building from scratch is to buy or use a pre-built boilerplate like BuildMVP. This approach involves leveraging an existing SaaS framework with ready-made features, allowing you to focus on customization and business-specific logic.

Pros of Using a SaaS Boilerplate

  1. Faster Time to Market: One of the key benefits of using a SaaS boilerplate is that it can significantly cut down on development time. With BuildMVP, for example, you can launch a functional SaaS MVP in less than a day, giving you a head start in validating your idea.

  2. Cost-Effective: Using a boilerplate can save you thousands in development costs. Since much of the core functionality is already built, you only need to pay for customization or additional features.

  3. Proven Best Practices: Boilerplates like BuildMVP are built with best practices in mind. This means that common tasks like user authentication, payment processing, and deployment are already optimized, saving you time and headaches.

  4. Scalability and Flexibility: While some might argue that boilerplates are restrictive, modern solutions like BuildMVP are built to be highly scalable and customizable. You can modify or extend the code to suit your specific needs as your business grows.

  5. Focus on Core Business Logic: Instead of worrying about setting up authentication or managing user sessions, you can focus on the core value proposition of your product. Boilerplates handle the foundational elements, allowing you to invest time in building what sets your product apart.

  6. Community Support: Using a well-maintained boilerplate often means you can tap into a community of developers who are using the same framework. This support network can be invaluable when troubleshooting issues or seeking advice.

Cons of Using a SaaS Boilerplate

  1. Less Control: While boilerplates like BuildMVP offer flexibility, they may not provide the same level of control as building from scratch. Customization is possible, but there are limits depending on the design of the boilerplate.

  2. Technical Debt: Every pre-built solution comes with some amount of technical debt, as it’s built for general use. This may require you to work around pre-existing architecture that doesn’t align with your vision.

  3. Potential Overhead: Boilerplates may include features or code that you don’t need, which can add some overhead to your application. However, this is usually minimal and can be trimmed with customization.

Evaluating the Decision: When to Build vs. Buy

Now that we've covered the pros and cons of both approaches, how do you make the decision? The answer lies in understanding your business goals, timeline, and resources.

When to Build From Scratch

  • You have unique requirements that boilerplates cannot accommodate.
  • You have the budget and time to invest in a custom solution.
  • You want full control over every aspect of your platform, including scalability, design, and features.
  • Your SaaS platform is highly specialized and requires a bespoke architecture.

When to Buy or Use a SaaS Boilerplate

  • You need to launch quickly and validate your idea.
  • You want to minimize development costs.
  • Your SaaS platform is fairly standard in its initial feature set, such as requiring user authentication, subscriptions, and basic admin panels.
  • You lack the technical resources or time to build everything from scratch.

How BuildMVP Bridges the Gap

BuildMVP offers the best of both worlds. It's a highly customizable Next.js SaaS boilerplate designed for developers, founders, and indie hackers who want to launch their MVP fast while still maintaining the flexibility to scale and grow.

Key Features of BuildMVP

  • Next.js Framework: Build fast, scalable web apps with Next.js.
  • User Authentication: Pre-built secure authentication with Auth.js.
  • Payment Integration: Seamless Stripe integration for subscriptions and payments. Read here on how to choose paayment gateway for your saas mvp
  • Backend Flexibility: Ready-to-use with Supabase or Neon for real-time data management.
  • Quick Deployment: One-click deployment to Vercel, allowing you to go live in minutes.
  • Customization: Modify or extend the boilerplate to meet your specific business needs.

By using BuildMVP, you can save weeks or even months of development time, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—delivering value to your users.

Conclusion: Build vs. Buy for Your SaaS Platform

Ultimately, the decision between building from scratch and using a SaaS boilerplate depends on your business goals, timeline, and technical resources. If you're looking to launch quickly, validate your idea, and focus on building a scalable platform, then a solution like BuildMVP may be the ideal choice.

Ready to take the next step? Explore BuildMVP and discover how it can help you launch your SaaS MVP faster than ever before.

Want to learn more? Check out our blog on scaling SaaS applications with Next.js.